Prof. Dr. Klaus Schilling gives a lecture on the topic INNOVATION FIELD INDUSTRY 4.0 AND DIGITAL PRODUCTION during the regional conference. © StMWi/R.Fleischmann
The Zentrum für Telematik took part in the regional conference on the Bayern Digital II master plan in Würzburg.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schilling presented the Zentrum für Telematik in a joint lecture with Bernd Kaufer (Brose, Würzburg). At the end of the event, the participants were introduced to the various Industry 4.0 solutions offered by ZfT within its own demonstrator factory. Among other things, a live remote maintenance between the demonstrator factory and a production plant of the Brose Group was carried out using the remote maintenance solution AMS developed at ZfT.
Watch the video of the regional conferences on the BAYERN DIGITAL II master plan on YouTube