We live telematics

Welcome to the Zentrum fuer Telematik (Center for Telematics)! Since 2007 we have been developing practical, interdisciplinary solutions from the following areas
Telecommunication, Automatisation and Informatics.

The enormous progress in telecommunications and information processing technologies enables the provision of increasingly sophisticated services over long distances. The combination of these disciplines with control and automation technology in telematics opens up efficient possibilities to collect data from a distance and to react accordingly taking into account the distances involved.

Providing the interactive control capabilities required for this purpose via low-cost telecommunications links opens up interesting economic prospects and enables the development of distant markets. The wide range of applications includes such diverse fields of application as traffic control systems, intelligent houses, space probes and industrial production.


One fo­cus of the Zen­trum für Telematik e.V. is the in­ves­ti­ga­tion of so­lu­tions to sup­port process­es of in­dus­tri­al re­mote main­te­nance. In par­tic­u­lar, pro­ce­dures are to be in­ves­ti­gat­ed that en­able tech­ni­cians on site and ser­vice cen­tre per­son­nel to work to­geth­er op­ti­mal­ly, even if they are cur­rent­ly on dif­fer­ent con­ti­nents. This is an ef­fi­cient tool to re­al­ize a high qual­i­ty stan­dard and at the same time a fast re­ac­tion at low costs. We have ac­tive­ly gained part­ners from in­dus­try to con­tin­ue our growth in the field of re­mote main­te­nance. We see a very high po­ten­tial here, since Ger­many in par­tic­u­lar, as one of the lead­ing ex­port na­tions, will be heav­i­ly de­pen­dent on these tech­nolo­gies in the fu­ture in or­der to de­ploy its high­ly qual­i­fied spe­cial­ists ef­fi­cient­ly and op­ti­mal­ly.

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Mobile Systems

Mo­bil­i­ty cur­rent­ly has enor­mous in­no­va­tion po­ten­tial thanks to ad­vances in dig­i­ti­za­tion, net­work­ing, sen­sor tech­nol­o­gy for char­ac­ter­iz­ing the en­vi­ron­ment and au­tonomous re­ac­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties. Ve­hi­cles that can move in­de­pen­dent­ly and with high re­li­a­bil­i­ty on fac­to­ry floors and in road traf­fic are thus be­com­ing re­al­i­ty ever more quick­ly on the ba­sis of mod­ern digi­ti­sa­tion tech­nol­o­gy (es­pe­cial­ly in telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, elec­tron­ics, con­trol tech­nol­o­gy and da­ta pro­cess­ing). Mo­bile ro­bots on the ground, in the air and in wa­ter are thus al­ways of­fer­ing ap­pli­ca­tions in in­dus­try, busi­ness, the se­cu­ri­ty sec­tor and pri­vate house­holds. Au­tonomous and tele­as­sist­ed trans­port ro­bots can per­form tasks in un­safe, dan­ger­ous or mo­not­o­nous en­vi­ron­ments.

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Due to the spe­cial ad­ver­si­ties of the work­ing en­vi­ron­ment, the ap­pli­ca­tion field of space trav­el has par­tic­u­lar­ly high needs and re­quire­ments for telem­at­ics tech­nolo­gies. Here, the Zen­trum fuer Telematik e.V. is con­cerned with the re­mote con­trol of ex­plo­ration ro­bots and the ap­pli­ca­tion of small satel­lites in swarms. In co­op­er­a­tion with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wuerzburg, the Cen­ter op­er­ates its own small satel­lites. Swarms of small satel­lites open up the po­ten­tial for a par­a­digm shift from large, ex­pen­sive satel­lites to swarms of dis­trib­uted, low­cost stan­dard satel­lites, so that a much faster and more flex­i­ble re­al­iza­tion of satel­lite mis­sions be­comes pos­si­ble. Many of the meth­ods and tech­niques de­vel­oped for space trav­el can al­so be trans­ferred to in­dus­try.

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Space Day at ZfT and S4

The ZfT and S4 cordially invite all space fans and interested parties to the Space Day on March 28 and 29!

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Satellite Fabrication Workshop at ZfT

Yesterday’s satellite fabrication workshop was a great success! We are still buzzing from the many insights, inspiring conversations, and valuable suggestions

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Mission Update: Successful Fine Pointing Tests with QUBE

Last week, QUBE’s LEOP reached a significant milestone with fine pointing tests successfully tracking our Ground Station in Würzburg.

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