Reconnaissance drone detects danger situation in a house fire
In the event of major emergencies such as major fires, mass pile-ups or large-scale flooding, it is difficult for the emergency services to obtain an overview of the situation on site. In addition, changes in the damage situation can usually only be registered with a time delay, which makes it considerably more difficult to manage the emergency services effectively.
The aim of the project “Air-Based Ambient Reconnaissance in 3D” (EINS3D), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework programme “Research for Civil Security” of the Federal Government, is to support authorities and organisations with security tasks (BOS), in particular the fire brigade, in situation reconnaissance in all rescue phases.
Within the scope of the project, an unmanned aircraft for reconnaissance support is to be developed, with which three-dimensional mapping of the area of operation in real time is made possible and which is equipped with additional sensor technology, such as thermal imaging cameras or gas sensors, depending on the situation. In order to optimally integrate air-based situation reconnaissance into the workflows of the rescue forces, the mobile ground station and data evaluation are to be integrated into a fire-fighting vehicle. To relieve the operators, the system will also plan independent flight routes and take into account search patterns to locate gas leaks and other sources of danger. For the final assessment of the situation, the generated data andlocalized sources of danger are to be integrated into the representation of the operational environment and displayed as a three-dimensional model in the emergency vehicle.
Goals of Eins3D
9/2016 – 8/2019 (3 years)
This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the Research for Civil Security programme.
Bekanntmachung: “Zivile Sicherheit – Innovative Rettungs- und Sicherheitssystemei”